Welcome to Nordic ExO

Are you aware that...

...The world is changing faster than anyone has predicted.” We are
experiencing 20,000 years of technological progress in just 100 years. It means that the
related new accelerating technologies like 3D printing or AI for example are driving this
change at warp speed. A dramatic change that leaves the established, large and slow
organizations behind as they can no longer compete with the small, agile and swift ones.
A company designed for success in the 20th century is going to fail in the 21st.

To avoid being completely disrupted and eventually put out of business during this
ongoing 4th industrial revolution, you can instead partake in this intense technological
evolution and Tsunami growth a la Google, Airbnb, Waze etc. by becoming an
Exponential Organization (or, ExO).

ExOs are purpose-driven organizations, deploying 10 unique attributes and a Massive
Transformative Purpose to access and manage all this (new) abundance and through it
enabling exponential growth, while other organizations – their competitors are not
growing, or just marginal.

The ExO movement

Nordic ExO is the OpenExO Embassy in the Nordics and beyond... And as part of the ExO movement we are committed to spread the message and help you grow fastest and best possible. Simply exponentially. Find out how we help companies to thrive and suceed in growing 10X.

Come in and find out!